
Decision No 1/80 of the EEC-Switzerland Joint Committee - Community transit - of 18 September 1980 on the Greek text of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on the application of the rules on Community transit and amending the Appendices to the Agreement

Official Journal L 108 , 18/04/1981 P. 0003 - 0103
Spanish special edition: Chapter 02 Volume 08 P. 0133
Portuguese special edition Chapter 02 Volume 08 P. 0133

DECISION No 1/80 OF THE EEC-SWITZERLAND JOINT COMMITTEE - Community transit - of 18 September 1980 on the Greek text of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on the application of the rules on Community transit and amending the Appendices to the Agreement


Having regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on the application of the rules on Community transit, and in particular Article 16 (3) (a) and (c) thereof,

Whereas from the date of its accession to the Community, the Hellenic Republic will be bound by that Agreement;

Whereas provision should be made for the text of the Agreement in the Greek language to be as authentic as the texts in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German and Italian languages;

Whereas the rules on Community transit have been amended by the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties;

Whereas certain provisions of these rules have been amended in other ways ; whereas these rules appear in the Appendices to the Agreement and the Appendices should therefore be amended accordingly;

Whereas Decision No 2/78 of the Joint Committee added to the Agreement an Appendix IIA introducing, on an experimental basis, a Community transit declaration form for use in an automatic or electronic data-processing system ; whereas this Appendix IIA has been amended by Decision No 2/79 ; whereas these Decisions apply until 31 December 1980;

Whereas it has proved necessary to extend the use of this form beyond that date ; whereas the period during which these Decisions shall apply should therefore be prolonged,


Article 1

The annexed text, in the Greek language, of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on the application of the rules on Community transit shall be as authentic as the texts in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German and Italian languages.

Article 2

Appendix I of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

(a) In the title, the words "(EEC) No 222/77 of 13 December 1976" shall be followed by a reference "(1)" and the following footnote shall be added to the page:

"(1) As amended by:

- Regulation (EEC) No 983/79 of 14 May 1979,

- the Act of Accession of the Hellenic Republic."

(b) In Article 57 (2), "41" shall be replaced by "45".

Article 3

Appendix II of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

(a) In the title the words "(EEC) No 223/77 of 22 December 1976" shall be followed by a reference "(1)" and the following footnote shall be added to the page:

"(1) As amended by:

- Regulation (EEC) No 1601/77 of 11 July 1977,

- Regulation (EEC) No 526/79 of 20 March 1979,

- the Act of Accession of the Hellenic Republic,

- Regulation (EEC) No 1964/79 of 6 September 1979,

- Regulation (EEC) No 137/80 of 9 January 1980,

- Regulation (EEC) No 902/80 of 14 April 1980."

(b) Article 1 (3) shall be replaced by the following:

"[3. The forms to be completed as the special Community transit document, hereinafter referred to as "Control Copy T No 5", as proof that the goods have been used for a specific purpose and/or have arrived at a prescribed destination shall conform, except as regards the dimensions of the boxes wholly or partly delineated by dotted lines, to the specimens T 5 and T 5 bis in Annexes VI and VI A.

The Control Copy T No 5 shall be issued and used in accordance with the provisions of Articles 10 to 13.]"

(c) Article 2 (11) shall be replaced by the following:

"[11. The provisions of paragraphs (2), (4), (5) (a), (6), first and second subparagraphs, (9) and (10), second and third subparagraphs, shall apply also to Control Copy T No 5. However, the guilloche-patterned background referred to in paragraph 2 shall be blue for the front and back of the original of the Control Copy T No 5 and for the front of the original of continuation sheet T 5 bis.]"

(d) Article 10 shall be replaced by the following:

"[Article 10

1. Proof that the conditions prescribed by a Community measure as to the use and/or destination of goods imported into, exported from, or moving within the Community have been complied with, shall be furnished by production of Control Copy T No 5. A Control Copy T No 5 is a completed form T 5, accompanied, if necessary, in the circumstances referred to in paragraphs 2 ad 3, by one or more forms T 5 bis.

2. The competent customs authorities of each Member State may allow undertakings established in their territory to supplement a Control Copy T No 5 with one or more continuation sheets T 5 bis in cases where all the forms relate to a single consignment of goods, which are loaded on one single means of transport, and are destined for a single consignee and a single use and/or destination.

3. Where continuation sheets T 5 bis are used, the undertaking given by the person concerned in box 108 of the Control Copy T No 5 shall be worded as follows : "The person concerned, represented by hereby undertakes to ensure the declared use and/or destination of the goods described above and in the continuation sheet(s) T 5 bis attached."

4. The number of continuation sheets T 5 bis used and their printed serial numbers shall be shown in box 107 of the Control Copy T No 5 which they accompany. The registration number of the Control Copy T No 5 shall be shown in the box for registration particulars of each continuation sheet T 5 bis.]"

(e) Article 11 shall be amended as follows:

- in paragraph 1, the words "Control Copy T No 5 shall be made out" shall be replaced by "Control Copy T No 5 and, where appropriate, continuation sheets T 5 bis, shall be made out",

- in paragraph 2, the words "Control Copy T No 5 shall" shall be replaced by "Control Copy T No 5 and, where appropriate, continuation sheets T 5 bis, shall".

(f) Article 28 shall be supplemented as follows:

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Article 4

Appendix IIA of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

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Article 5

Appendix III of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

(a) In point I.II of each of the Specimens I, II and III, the words "the Hellenic Republic" shall be inserted after the words "the Federal Republic of Germany".

(b) In Specimen IV the word "Greece" shall be added to box 7 of the Certificate of Guarantee.

Article 6

The period during which Decisions No 2/78 and No 2/79 shall apply is hereby prolonged until 31 December 1982.

Article 7

This Decision shall enter into force on 1 January 1981.

Done at Brussels, 18 September 1980.

For the Joint Committee

The Chairman


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Aer Lingus Teoranta (Irish Air Lines), Dublin

Aero-Dienst GmbH, Nürnberg

Aeróflot-Soviet Airlines, Moskwa

Aerolineas Argentinas, Buenos Aires

Aerolinee Itavia, SpA, Roma

Aer Turas, Dublin

African Safari Airways, Nairobi

Air Afrique, Abidjan

Air Algérie (Compagnie nationale de transports aériens Air Algérie), Alger

Air Anglia Ltd, Norwich

Air Canada, Montréal

Air Ceylon Ltd, Colombo

Air Flight Luftfahrtunternehmen GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf

Air France, Paris

Air Freight Limited, Lydd

Air India, Bombay

Air Inter, Paris

Airlift International Inc, Miami

Air Madagascar (Société nationale malgache de transports aériens), Tananarive

Air-Mali, Bamako

Air Sénégal (Société nationale de transports aériens), Dakar

Air Viking, Reykjavik

Air Zaïre, Kinshasa

Alaska Airlines Inc, Seattle

Alia (The Royal Jordanian Airline), Amman

Alitalia (Linee Aeree Italiane), Roma

APSA, Lima

Arco, Bermuda

Ariana Afghan Airlines, Kabul

ATI, Napoli

Aurigny Air Services Ltd, Alderney

Austrian Airlines, Wien

Austrian Airtransport, Österreichische Flugbetriebs-GmbH, Wien

Avianca (Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia, S.A.), Bogotá

Balair Ltd., Basel

Balkan-Bulgarian Airlines, Sofia

BASCO Brothers Air Services Co., Aden

Bavaria Flug GmbH Schwabe & Co. KG, München

Britannia Airways Ltd, Luton

British Air Ferries Ltd, Southend-on-Sea

British Airways, London

British Caledonian Airways Limited, Gatwick Airport (London)

British Island Airways Ltd, Gatwick Airport (London)

British Midland Airways Ltd, Castle Donington

British United Airways Ltd, Gatwick Airport (London)

Cameroon Airlines, Douala

Canadian Pacific-Air, Vancouver

Civil Air Charter Verwaltungs-GmbH & Co. KG,

Bedarfsluftfahrtunternehmen, Essen

Condor Flugdienst GmbH, Neu-Isenburg

Contactair Flugdienst GmbH & Co., Stuttgart

CP Air (Canadian Pacific-Air), Vancouver

CSA (Ceskoslovenske Aerolinie), Praha

Cyprus Airways Ltd, Nicosia

Dan-Air Skyways Ltd, London

Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Köln

East African Airways Corporation, Nairobi

El Al Israel Airlines Ltd, Tel Aviv

Elivie (Società Italiana Esercizio Elicotteri S.p.A.), Napoli

Ethiopian Airlines S.C., Addis Abeba

Fairflight (Charters) Ltd, Biggin Hill Airport (London)

Finnair, Helsinki

Garuda Idonesian Airways, Djakarta

Germanair Bedarfsluftfahrtgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt (Main)

Ghana Airways Corporation, Accra

Hapag-Lloyd Flug GmbH, Bremen

Iberia (Lineas Aéreas de España S.A.), Madrid

Icelandair (Flugfelag Islands H.F.), Reykjavik

International Air Bahama (Air Bahama International), Nassau

International Carribean Airways, Barbados

Intra Airways Ltd, Jersey

Iranair, Teheran

Iraqi Airways, Bagdad

JAL (Japan Air Lines Co. Ltd), Tokio

JAT (Jugoslovenski Aerotransport), Beograd

KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines), Amsterdam

Kuwait Airways Corporation, Kuwait

Laker Airways (Services) Ltd, Gatwick Airport (London)

Libyan Arab Airlines, Tripoli

Loftleidir H.F. (Icelandic Airlines), Reykjavik

Loganair Ltd, Glasgow

LOT-Polish Airlines, Warszawa

LTU-Lufttransport-Unternehmen GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf

Luxair-Luxembourg Airlines, Luxembourg

Malév (Hungarian Airlines), Budapest

Martinair, Amsterdam

MEA (Middle East Airlines Airliban S.A.L.), Beyrouth

Monarch Airlines Limited, Luton

National Airlines Inc, Miami

Nigeria Airways, Lagos

NLM-Dutch Airlines, Amsterdam

(Fred) Olsen, Oslo

Olympic Airways, Athenai

Ontario World Air, Toronto

Pacific Western Airlines, Vancouver

Pakistan International Airlines Corporation, Karachi

Pan American World Airways Inc, New York

Peters' Aviation, Norwich

Quantas Airways Ltd, Sydney

Rousseau Aviation, Dinard

Royal Air Maroc, Casablanca

Sabena (Belgian World Airlines), Bruxelles

SAM (Società Aerea Mediterranea), Roma

SAS (Scandinavian Airlines), Stockholm

SATA, SA de transport aérien, Genève

Saturn, Oakland

Saudia (Saudi Arabian Airlines), Jeddah

Seabord World Airlines Inc, New York

Sierra Leone Airways, Freetown

Singapore Airlines Ltd, Singapore

South African Airways, Johannesburg

Southern Air Transport, Miami

Spantax SA, Madrid

Strathallan, Perth

Sudan Airways, Khartoum

Swissair (Swiss Air Transport Company Ltd), Zürich

Syrian Arab Airlines, Damascus

TAP - The Intercontinental Airline of Portugal, Lisboa

Tarom (Rumanian Air Transport), Bucuresti

THY - Turkish Airlines, Istanbul

Tradewinds, Gatwick Airport (London)

Transavia (Holland B.V.), Amsterdam

Trans-Mediterranean Airways S.A.L., Beyrouth

Transmeridian, Stansted Airport (London)

Trans-Union S.A., Paris

Tunis Air, Tunis

TWA (Trans World Airlines Inc.), New York

United Arab Airlines, Heliopolis

UTA (Union de transports aériens), Paris

VARIG-Brazilian Airlines, Rio de Janeiro

VIASA (Venezolana Internacional de Aviación S.A.), Caracas

WDL Flugdienst GmbH, Mülheim/Ruhr

Zambia Airways Corporation, Lusaka

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